Reisher Family Scholarship- Continuing student

This scholarship is awarded to full-time Colorado residents with a cumulative GPA of 3.0+. The eligible recipient must be an undergraduate student entering their second year at UNC as a continuing student in Fall 2025 with demonstrated financial need. Awards range from $6,000 to $22,000 per academic year to cover students’ unmet financial need for up to six semesters. Eligible recipients should be scheduled to graduate in the Fall 2027, Spring 2028, or Fall 2028. Spring 2028 graduation is preferred.

Reisher Scholarship Mission
The Reisher Scholars Program awards scholarships to Colorado students based upon demonstrated financial need and academic merit. The program seeks to help promising Colorado students earn their undergraduate degrees without incurring additional educational debt. The Reisher Scholars Program is unique in that it focuses on rising college sophomores and transfer students from community colleges who have already demonstrated academic and leadership potential as undergraduates.

For more information about The Reisher Family, The Reisher Scholarship, and The Denver Foundation, please click here to review The Denver Foundation.

For more information about the Reisher Scholars Program at UNC, please click here, for Reisher Scholars.

To be fully considered, applicants must submit the external survey, which includes uploading a graduation plan, and complete the supplemental essay questions on this application. We encourage all applicants to review this document, please click here that details all eligibility requirements and values of the Reisher Scholarship before applying.

Before applying, please review the following requirements:
• Applicants must be classified by UNC as a Colorado resident (includes tribal affiliation – please click here to review tribal affiliation requirements. According to Colorado Senate Bill
• Applicants must be a first-year UNC student who will be entering their second year in Fall 2025
• Applicants must have completed 12 credit hours in the Fall 2024 semester and be currently enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours in the Spring 2025 semester
• Applicants must be eligible for the Pell Grant (Maximum, Minimum, or Calculated) or demonstrate unmet financial need while having a household adjusted gross income less than 300% of the Federal Poverty Level
• Applicants must have a plan to graduate within six semesters/three years of receiving the scholarship
• Applicants must have (and maintain) a 3.0 cumulative GPA
• Applicants must be enrolled as a full-time student (12 credits a semester) and complete enrolled number of credits each semester at UNC
• Applicants must attend the Greeley Main Campus or Lowry-Denver Campus at UNC
• Applicants must demonstrate one or more of the following personal qualities: highly motivated, goal-oriented, responsible, and/or likely to make a contribution to society as evidenced by community service, leadership activities, work experience, or life experience

If you do not meet one or more of the requirements listed above, your application may not be considered for the Reisher Scholarship.

Deadline: March 19, 2025

Committee's discretion
Supplemental Questions
  1. 1. This scholarship requires an additional application. Please click here to complete the required survey.
  2. Please complete the following short answer questions. For each question, please write 200-500 words.

    1. How do you see earning your degree impacting your life and community?
  3. 2. Reisher scholars are academically driven and required to maintain a 3.0 GPA. What motivates you to succeed academically? What strategies do you use to achieve academic success?
  4. 3. Reisher has a close-knit and diverse community of students. How would you contribute to the Reisher community? What do you hope to gain from Reisher?
  5. 4. Recipients of the Reisher Scholarship show a commitment to community and their Reisher Cohort through service, leadership, work, and life experience. They are highly motivated, goal-oriented, and responsible individuals committed to graduating from college and giving back to their community. What are your values and how do you exhibit the Reisher values in your life?