The Leonard and Elizabeth Baylinson Musical Scholarship

The Leonard and Elizabeth Baylinson Musical Scholarship is available to new, continuing, and transfer students pursuing a Music degree. To qualify for this opportunity, the applicant must be pursing a degree in music, have a cumulative 3.0 GPA minimum, demonstrate financial need, be a full-time undergraduate student, and have attended high school in Colorado. Students also need to submit a short essay describing why they are the most qualified candidate to receive this scholarship, including information about their commitment to their field, motivation to graduate, and resilience and persistence.
*This is a scholarship outside of UNC, UNC does not select students. UNC sends eligible students to Denver Foundation to make selections.*

Supplemental Questions
  1. In 1000 words or less, explain why you are the most qualified candidate to receive this scholarship. Please include information about your commitment to your field, motivation to graduate, and your resilience and persistence.