Monfort College of Business Professional Experience Scholarship (program)

The Monfort College of Business Professional Experience Scholarship (program) is for students who meet the scholarship criteria developed by the Monfort College of Business. The scholarship is meant for Monfort College of Business students and to allow the internship course to be more accessible by helping to offset the cost of tuition.

ƒ?› Student must be in MCB.
ƒ?› Student must be in an internship for credit or going to take one in designated semesters. (Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Fall 2024).
ƒ?› Preferred to be given to a student in need of financial assistance.

ƒ?› For students in a Fall 2023 internship, need to apply by November 17th.
ƒ?› For students in a Spring 2024 internship, need to apply by January 22nd.

$1,000 Each
Supplemental Questions
  1. What skills, experiences, and activities have you completed here at MCB that you feel make you the best suited for this internship and scholarship?