Unpaid Work-Based Learning Scholarship

The Unpaid Work-Based Learning Scholarship (Center for Career Readiness Scholarship (Program)) is awarded to students that meet the eligibility requirements developed by the Center for Career Readiness. This scholarship is meant for students across the University who are pursuing unpaid work-based learning opportunities (i.e. internship, student teaching, etc.).

To qualify for this scholarship, students must:
ƒ?› Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
ƒ?› Submit documentation and confirmation of unpaid work-based learning
ƒ?› Apply for the scholarship in the same term that student is completing the unpaid work-based learning opportunity

Selected recipients will be required to complete two career readiness skill survey assessing NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) competencies during the time of their work-based learning, attend an awards event, and complete the Scholar Gratitude survey to receive the scholarship .

By applying for this scholarship, applicants consent to a conduct check completed by Student Conduct and Accountability.

Priority Deadlines:
If you are applying for this scholarship and completing your work-based learning during the Fall 2024 semester, your priority deadline is October 31.
If you are applying for this scholarship and completing work-based learning during the Spring 2025 semester, the priority deadline is March 31.
If you are applying for this scholarship and completing work-based learning during the Summer 2025 semester, the priority deadline is June 6.

$2,500 each
Supplemental Questions
  1. List your anticipated start and end date of your work-based learning experience. MM/DD/YY
    • End date:
    • Start date:
  2. How many total hours are you required to complete during the semester for this work-based learning opportunity?
  3. Is it a requirement as part of your degree program to complete an internship, work-based learning experience, or student teaching?
  4. Will you be receiving credit(s) for your current work-based learning experience?
  5. Where is your internship, student teaching, or work-based learning site? Who is your supervisor and what is their contact information (name, phone number, email)? Please note that the scholarship committee will be reaching out to verify the position and information. If you do not have the required information, list N/A in answer to move on.
    • Company/location name:
    • Supervisor Email:
    • Supervisor Name:
    • Supervisor Phone Number:
  6. Please upload a written confirmation of your unpaid work-based learning from your site supervisor or company.
  7. In 500 words or less, how will participating in this work-based learning opportunity help you reach your career and life goals?
  8. In 500 words or less, how would receiving this scholarship impact you?
  9. Show 3 more